A Beautiful and Beneficial landscape project in Oak Park Il : a low-grow prairie with over 4 dozen native species and counting…..plus a water garden (to keep the run-off on site)

What a response it has been (from the community AND the local wildlife) !!!
As we thought trough this landscape installation, we had to think native, but lower growth height- to as not to impede visual clearance etc, as well as much thought going into species diversification, colors and bloom time. Species include 6 diiferent clumpoing grases (dropseed (Sporobolus, Little blues etc) plus wetland species (we diverted the gutters to a swale/water garden) like Lobelias, sedges etc, along with many native savanna blooming species to maximize great colors plus pollinator friendly species offering nectar and seedheads.
The best time to get new landscapes installed is early to mid season- so contact us today for a consultation! Ed Max will stop by to see you.