Natural landscaping, let us assist in creating or enhancing your woodland gardens or natural landscapes (West Chicago, Naperville, Glen Ellyn, Oak Park), using native plantings, natural shade gardens , stone pathways, garden rooms in the natural landscapes….
March 11, 2020 / / Comments Off on Natural landscaping, let us assist in creating or enhancing your woodland gardens or natural landscapes (West Chicago, Naperville, Glen Ellyn, Oak Park), using native plantings, natural shade gardens , stone pathways, garden rooms in the natural landscapes….

We specialize in natural landscapes, native species and shade gardens. Where possible- we first remove the invasive and unwanted growth, and create a natural landscape using species that offer color, and interest and a a beneficial lift for the local pollinators!

A natural landscape is in many cases less energy intensive, and aside from some weeding, is maintenance free! Native and colorful bluebells here, plus orn allium, and white violets. For a natural landscape – get in touch soon
Natural landscaping near Winfield, and Wheaton, Glen Ellyn
Ed Max- natural landscaper, naturalist and arborist.

Posted in native landscapes, NATIVES