Springtime in the garden can be both healthy and healing (in the time of PANDEMIC)
In these unusual and stressful times there is no better setting than getting out in to nature – your own back yard, or local nature preserve. Its a perfect time to spend more time out of doors- in this burst of early and colorful spring blooms: it s both stress and virus free! And numerous studies point to the calming and healing properties of the stroll in the landscapes of our parks and your own neighborhood. In our local woodlands, keep a keen eye out for native species such as Blood root, Bluebells and other wonderful species.

We can create a soothing and healthy landscape- designed to suit your needs: shade gardens, native prairie and dry perennial gardens, or a rain gardens, or a traditional landscape…we are here to help.
Contact Ed soon to set up a consultation. Avail for landscape designs such as : Woodland gardens of Naperville, Oak Brook wetland landscapes, Oak Park native landscaping, or Shade gardens in St Charles and West Chicago landscape services and edible landscape and Permaculture projects in Winfield Il. . We have a great portfolio and reference list avial.